This post was written on the 9th January, my first day back after the Christmas break. I'm only just getting round to putting it up here. Apologies!
First day back at work with the kiddy winks. Forgot how much I love my job!! Yesterday's efforts clearing the textiles (messy) cupboard have already been paying off! I should have taken a before and after photo!!
A typical day today as an art and textile technician. Putting up new artwork, ordering supplies, designing posters, general sorting and paper chopping. Then after a lovely lunch finished with a warming crumble (mmmmmmm) it was off to textiles. A spot of finishing and displaying swimsuit designs, folder organising, more paper chopping, general helping out and discussing girls portfolios finished my day.
Crafting wise I just want to get back into the studio and sort and make! Will hopefully make it in tomorrow after work. This evening and yesterday evening I have made a couple of needle felted birds, one of which was a request from my friend inspired by charley harpers illustrations of red cardinals. I think they are so lovely and I love the process, I'm going to invest in some more supplies and different needles so I can experiment further.

On a separate note I must get my mushroom project back on the road, 3d here we come!
Another little resolution for this year is that i must make more of an effort with the little winks that live downstairs, they are just so lovely!
I will end this with one last comment about the weather. As I live in an attic flat I seem to feel the weather more than most and am wishing the typical british weather of wind and rain would go away!